
Introducing Oral Presentations

In this short video, I build on my students’ ideas and experiences to introduce a unit on oral presentations.

A Three-Minute Silent Lecture on Project Management

In spring 2011, I recorded my class discussions to use in the online version of my technical communication course. One day, my microphone failed, leaving me with 80 minutes of silent film. With the help of iMovie, I managed to salvage the clip below.

The Professional Connection Project

Under the direction of Professor David Russell, Jon Balzotti and I developed a project to help our students connect their classroom experience with their future workplaces. Over several months, we interviewed professionals, executives, and recruiters to record their perceptions of professional communication. Janet Roberts, a master’s student in the English department, edited and produced the videos with our direction. We are making them available to instructors of professional communication and engineering courses. For the entire series, click here.

The Importance of Communication

Oral Presentations

Teamwork and Collaboration